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Home >  News & Topics >  International Students Participated in the "Manekineko-Matsuri" with High School Students

International Students Participated in the "Manekineko-Matsuri" with High School Students

On Saturday, September 23, 2023, 16 international students and NUFS students participated in the "Manekineko-Matsuri (beckoning cats- festival)" held around Owari Seto Station.

At the festival, 10 students from Seto Nishi High School divided into groups and guided the international students in English and Japanese.
Local high school students are familiar with beckoning cats in Seto, but it is quite unusual for international students from around the world to see beckoning cats lined up in a row. They also participated in the painting workshop and communicated with each other while creating unique beckoning cats of their own. The beckoning cats they made by themselves will remain as a special memory. Many of the international students participated in the festival right after arriving in Japan, and one student who tried Gohei-mochi (rice cake with soy sauce and miso flavour) for the first time seemed to like it, saying it was sweet and tasty. It was also impressive that international students curiously looked at the Wagashi-sweets lined up in the store.

The students from Seto Nishi High School commented that although it was very difficult to explain various aspects of Japan in English, such as Setomono (Seto ware), Maneki Neko, and Shogi (Japanese chess), it motivated them to learn more about the language.

We would like to thank the students and the teachers of Seto Nishi High School for their cooperation.