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Home >  International >  NUFS Grading System 成績評価

NUFS Grading System 成績評価

The number of the credits students can obtain will be two for each classroom (contact) hour (90 minutes) a week per semester.
[For Global Japan Program, 1 class per week (90 minutes) x 14 weeks = 2 credits]

Grading System
A+ (100-90 points) Excellent
A (89-80 points) Very Good
B (79-70 points) Good
C (69-60 points) Average
D (59-0 points) Fail
E (Fail, resulting from the absence in the final exam etc.)
F (Disqualification)


A+ (100-90点) 卓越した水準
A (89-80点) 優れた水準
B (79-70点) 良好な水準
C (69-60点) 基本的な水準
D (59-0点) 不合格
E (不合格、期末試験欠席等による)
F (失格)