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Home >  International >  Incoming Students >  Exchange Events with International Exchange Groups and Local Communities

Exchange Events with International Exchange Groups and Local Communities

Information on exchange events for international students from various groups is available on this website. Join the ones you are interested in. Please note that registration and participation is your own responsibility. Take care of your safety when participating.



  Group: Nagakute International Association 長久手市国際交流協会
  Date: February 28 (Fri) 2月28日(金) 2:00pm to 4:30pm
  Venue: Nagakute City Minami Elementary School 長久手市立 南小学校

[Job Offer] “WlacTALK” event

  Group: NUFS World Liberal Arts Center NUFSワールドリベラルアーツセンター
  Date: March 8 (Sat) 3月8日(土) 10am to 4pm
  Salary:  ¥1,080/hour (20.42% withholding tax applies) 時給 1,080円(ただし20.42%源泉徴収税)
  Travel cost: Provided 支給有
  Sign-up deadline: Until the maximum of 7 places is reached (first-come-first-served basis) 7名の定員に達するまで